8 Things Most Managers Get Wrong About Time Tracking (& the Solution)

Thursday, March 07, 2024 | Time Tracking Software


In the modern work environment, with more people working from home, it is essential to manage time well for both workers and companies. Managers who manage remote teams need help keeping track of their employees' hours and ensuring they stay productive. Time tracking software with screenshots can help with this problem, but many managers must use it correctly. This results in lower worker happiness, data that needs to be corrected, and a workflow that could go smoother.

1. Focusing solely on hours worked

Many bosses think that employees who work more hours are more productive. But this needs to consider the different kinds of jobs and activities, or how each worker likes to work in their way. For example, a creative writing task could need an approach and time that are very different from when you analyze complicated data. Also, some workers may work best in short, intense periods during the day, but others may do better with a steady work pace.

Solution: Change your thinking from looking at hours to watching particular tasks and when they are finished. Managers who monitor the time used for various tasks can better comprehend each person's strong and weak points. This helps them assign duties smarter and see where more help or learning is necessary.

2. Micromanagement through time tracking

Too much watching and always telling employees to record their time can make them feel unworthy and overly controlled, which might result in feeling less essential and losing motivation. Over-controlling not only turns the workplace negative but may also lead to achieving less. Workers who are often closely watched may become reluctant to try new things, take chances, or seek assistance when necessary, which can limit their creative and innovative abilities.

Solution: Promote explicit sharing of thoughts and give workers the freedom to decide how they use their time, provided that they complete work by the set dates and reach the goals of projects. The online time tracking software with screenshots gives employees control over tasks and builds a feeling of responsibility, making them more driven and efficient.

3. Using cumbersome and time-consuming tools

Recording work hours by hand on spreadsheets can be tedious, and mistakes happen often. Time tracking programs that are complicated with many different options and capabilities might make things too stressful, adding extra steps and paperwork for workers. These awkward and slow tools may soon cause frustration and resistance, blocking their use and leading to wrong data because users are tired or inattentive.

Solution: This will make things more efficient and reduce the time managers and employees must spend on it. By selecting time-tracking software with screenshots that focus on the user and are easy to understand, managers can ensure implementation goes more smoothly, reduce interruptions in current work routines, and promote regular and precise information gathering.

4. Not considering extenuating circumstances

Life often presents unexpected challenges, and sometimes, personal responsibilities cause interruptions during work. Strict time recording systems that do not consider these circumstances can cause extra stress and bad feelings. Applying strict rules without flexibility might cause workers to feel annoyed and disconnected, which can get in the way of their happiness at work and negatively affect team spirit and how much they accomplish.

Solution: Implement an adaptable time tracking with screenshots system that lets workers explain special situations and change their work times. This might include giving choices such as variable working hours, compensation time, or the opportunity to complete missed hours at another time during the week. Managers who build understanding and trust can create a more supportive work environment and help employees feel better. This also leads to workers being more involved and doing their jobs better.

5. Neglecting to involve employees in the process

A system that watches the time without asking employees can make them push back and feel like someone is always watching them. If workers don't get to help decide things, they may think they're just being checked on all the time, and their efforts aren't appreciated. This might result in employees not fully committing, having less drive to work, and, in the end, data that is not correct because they could look for methods to avoid following the system or giving false information.


  • Work together with your team to select a method for tracking time.
  • Make clear the reasons and advantages of using a time tracking system, its use approach, and how you will use the data collected.
  • Collect their opinions on various time-tracking software with screenshot choices and address any concerns they may have.

Working together like this creates a feeling that everyone is involved and everything is clear, making it more probable that the new system will work well. It motivates staff to join actively, leading to better information gathering.

6. Failing to utilize data insights

More than just gathering information about time is required. Overlooking the understanding it offers can be compared to operating a vehicle with your eyes covered. Though collecting time-tracking information helps understand the work of individuals and groups, how projects move forward, and where resources go, if one only collects this data but does not study or use it to gain understanding, there is a chance of being lost.

Solution: Regular and thorough examination of time tracking data is essential to finding out where the workflow gets stuck, understanding better areas that need enhancement, and identifying opportunities to make things more efficient. Through consistent use of time tracking information, managers can make decisions based on data that increase efficiency in general, improve how teams work together, and help reach company objectives.

7. Overlooking the importance of feedback and communication

Time-logging information should serve as positive feedback and continuous conversation, not as a means of disciplinary action. Concentrating only on finding inefficiencies or faults without giving helpful advice or encouraging transparent communication may lead to an adverse and inefficient workplace atmosphere.

Solution: Plan frequent meetings with workers to discuss how they organize their time, solve problems, and advise them on improving. When managers create a working environment that works together and helps each other, they can use data from time tracking to help workers do better in their jobs and contribute more to the team's achievements.

8. Ignoring the need for continuous improvement

Time tracking must be continuously adjusted and improved to stay functional as work processes, technological advancements, and team interactions change.

Solution: Review your time tracker with screenshots regularly, collect opinions from workers, and stay ready to change it according to the evolving requirements and how the team works together. This might mean looking into additional options or functions of your software, trying new ways of creating reports, or modifying how you analyze data. Hence, it matches better with what is important now and what you aim to achieve. By continually embracing improvements and adjusting to changes, managers can make sure their system for tracking time stays helpful in supporting the growth of individuals and the whole organization.

Introducing Talygen's Time Tracking Software with Screenshots and its Benefits

To address the troubles you have pointed out, Talygen has a time-tracking system that is easy for users and has functions designed to solve usual problems.

Automatic time tracking

Automatic time tracking removes the requirement for manual input, decreasing the time employees have to spend on it and lowering the chances of mistakes.

Task categorization enables a thorough examination of the time dedicated to various parts of a project, offering valuable insights into how the project is advancing and how resources are distributed.

Screenshots with timestamps

Taking pictures of the screen with time on them helps to keep people responsible, but it does so without being too intrusive. This can help solve overly controlling management issues and build team members' confidence.

Detailed reports

Detailed reports provide more than just time tracking; they give valuable information about how individuals and teams are doing, the development of projects, and how resources are distributed.

Simple to combine

It fits smoothly with well-known project management and communication software, making work processes more efficient and reducing workers' need to change from one system to another.

When managers use Talygen Time tracking software with screenshots and follow these ideas, they help create a place where work is done well together. This lets team members do their best and helps managers understand how to improve the workflow to meet the organization's aims. It's important to know that good time tracking isn't only for keeping track of hours; it's also about understanding helpful information, building trust with your team, and working towards success in your company.

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