Transforming Billing Processes with Talygen at USIC

Talygen provided a single application to merge all USIC's billing activities, replacing the fragmented database system.

Talygen introduced bulk move and reprocess features, allowing USIC to transfer and manage customer records seamlessly.

Talygen, a globally-trusted business automation software, helped thousands of banking and finance organizations streamline their expense tracking and management and successfully deliver excellence to customers.

Client Background

USIC (Underground Service Inc.) is a leading provider of utility locating services in the United States. The company runs across multiple states, managing a vast number of service tickets daily. Efficient billing is crucial for USIC to support financial accuracy and streamline operations across its widespread operations.

Talygen introduced bulk move and reprocess features, allowing USIC to transfer and manage customer records seamlessly.

Case Study: Transforming Billing Processes with Talygen at USIC

The Challenge

Before adopting Talygen, USIC faced significant challenges with its billing processes. The company relied on 12-13 disparate databases to handle and process ticket data from various states. This fragmented approach resulted in a cumbersome and time-consuming billing process, taking between 10-12 hours to process 600,000 to 700,000 records daily. The reliance on multiple databases not only slowed down the billing cycle but also increased the risk of data discrepancies and inefficiencies.

The Solution

USIC sought a comprehensive solution to streamline its billing processes and improve efficiency. They turned to Talygen, a robust business management platform known for its extensive billing and data management capabilities. Talygen provided a single application to merge all USIC's billing activities, replacing the fragmented database system.

Key Features Implemented

  • Unified Billing System: Taygen's unified billing system replaced multiple databases, allowing USIC to manage all ticket data and billing processes within a single platform. This consolidation significantly reduced the complexity and time needed for data processing.
  • Enhanced Processing Speed: With Talygen, USIC experienced a dramatic improvement in processing speed. The platform efficiently handled the 600,000 to 700,000 plus records, reducing the processing time from 10-12 hours to just 2-3 hours. This speed enhancement enabled USIC to manage its billing cycle more effectively and distribute resources to other critical tasks.
  • Bulk Move and Reprocess Features: Talygen introduced bulk move and reprocess features, allowing USIC to transfer and manage customer records seamlessly. These features provided greater flexibility in handling data transfers and reprocessing tasks, ensuring data integrity and reducing manual errors.

Implementation and Support

The implementation of Talygen at USIC was meticulously planned and executed. Taygen's implementation team worked closely with USIC to ensure a smooth transition from the old system to the new unified platform. Key steps in the implementation process included:

  • Needs Assessment: Understanding USIC's specific billing requirements and existing challenges.
  • Data Migration: Safely transferring data from the 12-13 existing databases to Taygen's unified system.
  • System Configuration: Customizing Talygen to align with USIC's billing workflows and processes.
  • Training and Support: Providing comprehensive training to USIC's staff to ensure they can effectively use the new system. Ongoing support was also offered to address any post-implementation issues.

Results and Benefits

The implementation of Talygen transformed USIC's billing operations, delivering several key benefits:

  • Reduced Processing Time: The reduction in processing time from 10-12 hours to 2-3 hours enabled faster billing cycles and improved operational efficiency.
  • Increased Accuracy: The unified system minimized the risk of data discrepancies, enhancing the accuracy of billing records.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: The bulk move and reprocess features provided USIC with greater control over data management, reducing manual workload and errors.
  • Improved Resource Allocation: The efficiency gains allowed USIC to reallocate resources to other critical areas of the business, driving overall productivity.


By adopting Talygen, USIC successfully addressed its billing challenges and significantly enhanced its operational efficiency.

Taygen's comprehensive solution provided a unified platform, faster processing times, and flexible data management features, proving the power of integrated business management tools in transforming organizational processes.