Approval Rules and Auditing

A Cutting Edge System For Seamless Evaluation, Simple Approval, and More Efficient Workflow.

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Approval Rules and Auditing

Approval Rules and Auditing

Talygen's approval and auditing system allow designated users to review and approve time entries, expenses, leave requests, and timesheets. The system works with customizable workflows and rules. Talygen allows complete flexibility to appoint approvers, customize approval types, and create multiple approval groups and chains. The advanced approval system offers a user-friendly experience and the ability to troubleshoot approval-related issues.

Approval Group

Talygen's approval module provides various feature-rich functionalities. Users can create multiple and single approval structures. Users can create multiple levels for the approval system in the multiple approval structure. They can add multiple users to a single group. Users can create sequential and non-sequential approval chains as needed.

Approval Chain Sequence

The system lets Admins and managers create Approval chains and optimize the approval chain sequence. In the chain sequence, Approvers review and approve requests in the specified order. The non-sequential approval chain has no sequence to follow, and information can be entered in any order.

Multi Approver Process

Users can create multiple approval structures in Talygen. Users can create multiple levels for the approval system in the multiple approval structure. They can also add multiple Users in a single group. The Users can create sequential and non-sequential Approval chains.

Assign Provisional Rights in a User’s Absence

If a user is out of the office, provisional rights can be assigned to another user. This gives the assigned user all the rights and responsibilities without having to turn over the login credentials. The assigned user will have access to the absent user’s account and be able to handle their duties in their absence.

Review Reports

Talygen allows users to view reports of approved entries. Users can easily view various reports for non-rule users, user-wise approval rule information, pending time entries, approved time entries, pending leaves, and approved leaves.


Managers and admins can appoint an approver and allow flexibility for approval expense limits. They can create approval chain sequences and apply automatic approvals using the needed requirements to help speed up the approval process.

Features of Approval Rule and Auditing
  • Delegate Approval Authority To Managers
  • Configurable Approval Sections
  • Better Control
  • Temporary Rights
  • Auditable Time Entries
  • Create Rules for Approvers
  • Set Rules for Different Variables
  • Approval Group
  • Customizable Auditing
  • Multiple Approval Level
  • Optimizable Approver Chain
  • Review Time, Leaves and Expenses
  • Multi Approvers
  • Hiring Approval Chains
  • Flexible Approval Set up
  • Projects and Users Based Rules