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Knowledge Base Article

How to update User’s additional details?

In this section, user’s additional details can be updated. This helps to set a complete profile of a user. To update additional details, follow below given steps.

For an instructional demonstration video click here.

1. Go to Full Menu > Configuration > User
2. Click on particular user in Listing.
3. Click on advance settings and select the date of birth, date of joining, department, designation, shift and role. Enter the employee code and hourly rate.

4. Next click on ‘Communication’ tab, select the communication type and enter address/ screen name, and then click on "Add" .
5. Then click on ‘Addresses’ tab, and enter the address of the user, then click on “Add addresses”.
6. Then click on ‘Contact number’ tab and enter the contact number and click on “Add” to save the number.

7. Click on ‘Configurations’ tab, enable the features that you want assign to user and click on ‘Save Settings’.
8. Click on ‘save’ button, to save the additional details of the user.