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Knowledge Based Article

My Articles

In this section, the users can add new articles for knowledge under particular category or sub-category. To add new article to the knowledge base, follow the below given steps.

1. Go to Full Menu > Knowledge Base > My Articles.
2. Click the 'ADD' icon.
3. Fill in the required information.

4. To Preview the article click on 'Preview'.
5. Click 'Save' to create a Article, otherwise click 'Cancel'.

View: To view the article click on 'View' icon in the listing.
Edit: To Edit the article click on 'Edit' icon and make the required changes.
Move: To Move the article to another category, checkmark on the 'Checkbox' of the article in listing and click on 'Move' icon. Select the category and click 'Save' to Move the article.

Copy: To Copy the article to another category, checkmark on the 'Checkbox' of the article in listing and click on 'Copy' icon. Select the category and click 'Save' to copy the article.

Remove: To Remove the article, Checkmark on the 'Checkbox' of the article in listing and click on 'Delete' icon.